Offer your clients a full feature monitoring service completely integrated into your existing WHMCS installation.
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Our software allows you to setup several check servers running in various data centers. Checks are then run in rotation to ensure each site is working from multiple locations. If one of your check servers goes offline, the other locations will detect this and take the check server out of rotation until it is detected as back online. Multiple checks are run in parallel on each check server using a beantalkd queue and multiple php worker processes.
When an alert is trigged your customer can choose to send an alert via SMS. Your customers will be able to buy SMS credits from your WHMCS instance at any price point you set and you can include SMS credits with an initial package purchase. We currently support the SMS gateways Twilio, BulkSMS, BetaMax, and Clickatel.
ServerPing allows your customers to setup a list of contacts and set when to start alerting each contact, how to contact(email or sms), how often repeat alerts should be sent, and how many maximum alerts should be sent.
When an alert is trigged the customer can choose to send an alert via a third party API. Currently we include support for HipChat, Campfire, PagerDuty, Boxcar (iPhone push notifications), and a generic web hook which allows integration with just about any third party software.
This allows your users to create a script on their server to check any aspect of that server such as free disk space, load, mysql connectivity, etc. The script just needs to return a json result with three variables, result, error_message, and response_time. The result should be true if the test passes and false if the test fails. ServerPing will log the data that is passed and send alerts according to the set notification list if a result false is detected or if it cannot connect to the remote script.
Sell packages based on the number of checks and the minimum frequency, you can also create packages that limit customers to only adding checks that contain an ip or a domain that resolves to an ip that is listed in the clients WHMCS account under the dedicated ip address or assigned ip address fields in any of the clients services.
Your customers can setup checks that will run every 1,5,15, or 30 minutes.
Customers can set the number of times a check should be tried and how long to wait for a response before marking a check as failed.
Check statistics are stored in the database and customers can view recent detailed check long information. Customers can also generate custom uptime and response time reports.
Customers interact with the front end completely from within their WHMCS client area and everything the users sees is customizable using smarty templates including all email/sms alerts. A server module is also included which allows for automated ordering and setup.
ServerPing stores all of its information in a MongoDB replica set which allows for a fast redundant database. Each check server you add can be a part of the replica set or can just be a check server. MongoDB and the replica set is setup automatically for you using our install scripts so you don't need to be familiar with setting up MongoDB.
Setup is easy, simply setup the number of check servers you want with fresh installs of Cent OS 6 than run our install script. It will automatically install everything on the server you need. Then install the WHMCS addon by copying the files to your WHMCS server, activating and configuring everything from your WHMCS admin interface.
We will also off free professional installation service/support.