Adding a SMS Credits Package

  1. Login to your WHMCS Admin Area and go to Setup->Products/Services->Products/Services
  2. Create a new product, for the type select Other Product/Service and select your server monitoring group and enter a name for your SMS Package, e.g. 20 SMS Credits
  3. Uncheck Require Domain and select None for your welcome email.
  4. Click on the Module Settings tab, then select Servering from the drop down list
  5. Leave the max checks allowed for this package blank
  6. In the Included SMS Alerts on Account Creation field enter in how many sms credits this package gives the user.
  7. Check the SMS Credit Package option
  8. Select the automatic setup field accordingly, we recommend using Automatically setup the product as soon as the first payment is received
  9. Click the Pricing tab and set the item as a one time purchase and enter in any price you would like.
You can repeat these steps to create as many different packages as you would like.

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